
Healthy Holiday Recipe: Cranberry Kale Salad

healthy holiday recipes

Healthy holiday recipes that are easy and delicious are hard to come by. With Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, I’m scouring Pinterest for new dishes.

If you’re like me and just clicked on this link for the recipe, go ahead and scroll on down to the bottom. No offense taken.

Don’t get me wrong; I love the cheesy, carb-heavy, sugar-filled, classics! But a little greenery does the body good. I always feel better physically, and slightly less guilty when I sneak some veggies in that aren’t baked in heavy cream and topped with breadcrumbs.

When in doubt, I always have my go-to, tried and true kale salad.

I know what you’re thinking, “I thought she said delicious?” Trust me. Even non-salad eaters have told me they like this. And to make it even better, it’s super easy, fast to make AND can be made the day before.

Let’s go through that again…

Delicious? Check.
Healthy? Check.
Easy? Check.
Quick? Check?
Can be made ahead of time? Check.

In case you’re not convinced yet, this healthy holiday recipe is also beautifully festive looking.

Healthy kale salad with cranberries, apples, almonds and cheese.

Did I spark your attention? Ready to see how easy it is to whip together this cranberry kale salad?

Step 1: Wash & chop the kale.

You can make it even easier on yourself and buy the pre-washed, pre-chopped kale-in-a-bag from the grocery store! I do recommend giving it a few extra chops before throwing it in a bowl – but that’s just a personal preference. My only warning would be not to over-chop. We’re not making slaw. If it’s too fine it may wilt more than you like if you’re making this a day in advance.

Throw it in a pretty bowl and set aside. It should look something like this:

chopped kale for healthy holiday recipe

Step 2: The dressing.

This is the EASIEST vinaigrette dressing ever and I can’t tell you how many people have asked for the recipe. Here it is: equal parts balsamic vinegar and olive oil, minced garlic, salt & pepper. (You can add a little sugar if you like sweet dressings.) Shake or whisk it all together. That’s it! Seriously, the hardest part is mincing the garlic.

easy vinaigrette dressing for healthy holiday kale salad recipe

Step 3: Dress it.

Drizzle dressing on top of the kale and massage. You want to do this BEFORE adding the toppings! Pre-dressing your salad will make it easier to serve, and helps to break down the kale so it’s not stiff and tough when it comes time to eat it.

Step 4: Top it.

TIP:  Don’t toss the salad! Let all the pretty stuff stay on top. The toppings will naturally settle and fall when you start dishing it out.

Cheese is optional. If you’re going for it, I recommend something sharp like shredded parmesan. I like to toss 2/3 of the cheese with the dressed kale and add the rest on top. I know, I know, I just told you not to toss the salad. Cheese is the exception. Especially if you’re like me and always add a little more than the recipe calls for.

Dried cranberries, diced apples and nuts are what make this recipe festive. I prefer the tartness of granny smith apples, but any apples will work! Same with the nuts, I had sliced almonds on hand but pecans or walnuts work great too. If you want the crunchiness, add the nuts just before serving.

I recommend refrigerating for at least 2 and up to 24 hours before serving to allow the kale to soften.

Finished healthy kale salad with cranberries, apples, almonds and cheese.

Ta-da! As promised, easy, beautiful, quick and delicious healthy holiday recipe. Every time I bring this somewhere new I get complimented on the taste and thanked for bringing something healthy. Enjoy the salad, and the compliments!

Healthy Holiday Recipe: Cranberry Kale Salad

Vinaigrette Dressing


  • Balsamic Vinegar – 1 oz
  • Olive Oil – 1 oz
  • Garlic (finely minced) – 1 large clove
  • Salt & Pepper – to taste
  • Sweetener of choice (optional) – to taste

Shake or whisk all ingredients together.



  • Kale – 1 bunch
  • Dried Cranberries – 1/2 cup
  • Apples – 1 cup diced
  • Sliced Almonds (or preferred nut) – 1/2 cup
  • Shredded or Shaved Parmesan Cheese (optional) – 1/2 cup

Wash and dry kale thoroughly. Chop into bite-size pieces. In a large serving dish, drizzle vinaigrette over kale and massage. Add 2/3 of cheese if desired and toss. Top with remaining cheese, dried cranberries, and apples. Sprinkle nuts just before serving.

I recommend refrigerating for at least 2 and up to 24 hours prior to serving. This will allow the dressing to soften the kale. Enjoy!